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Of Love and Deception Page 11


  “This next week. You do want to go, don't you?” He twizzled strands of her hair around his fingers.

  “How am I going to ask my boss for time off… without giving any notice?” Daniella's stomach knotted. She didn't want to disappoint Cruz, and she'd love nothing more than to go on a vacation with him, but not at the expense of jeopardizing her job.

  “No need to worry about it. I've already discussed my plans with your boss, Parker. You've got the week off.” He smiled an all-too-knowing smile.

  “How'd you pull that off? I mean, you don't even know Parker and—”

  Cruz placed a finger over her lips. “It was easy. And yes, I do know Parker. I knew him before I met you.”


  “Shush.” Cruz pinched her lips together with his thumb and finger. “I thought you knew that. How do you think I got your name?”

  Daniella's eyebrows rose and her eyes widened. She couldn't speak, not with Cruz's fingers still pinching her lips.

  He grinned. “Parker said you were the best, and he was certain we'd be a great match. I mean, like our taste, style and stuff like that. Oh, but he did point you out on his wall of managers, and I knew by Parker's description and display of your portfolio, I wanted you, exclusively, to do the job.” He coughed, and snuggled up next to Daniella, burying his head into her neck. “I wanted you for myself… in more ways than you'd imagine,” he whispered.

  It all made sense now. The flowers and the words Cruz scribbled on the card 'Just a small token of appreciation. I’m honored to have you as my personal designer. Until next time, Cruz'. He'd seen her picture, viewed her extensive portfolio and the more-than-satisfied customer reviews. Not that any of it mattered, not that it ever did.

  “Colorado. Meg and Falcon's cabin. Arbor Lodge. You. Me. An entire week together. Oh yeah, do I ever want to go!” Spending the next week with Cruz stirred up all kinds of emotions… and pleasures. She snuggled up to him and plummeted into a warm-fuzzy sleep.


  The following morning, after Cruz left, Daniella readied herself for the day. She needed to buy sexy items for the upcoming trip. She grabbed her purse and exited her apartment.


  No, no, no, no, no! This is a joke. Some kind of sick joke, right?

  There were black rose petals scattered along the hall and down the steps. She shuddered, her heart dropped into her stomach.

  “Bitch! Whore. Fucking cunt! You'll regret this, Daniella. Mark my fucking words!”

  I still remember his words as if it were yesterday. I was trudging up the stairs with heavy, aching feet after a long day at work. And when I saw it, the bouquet of all black roses with a card in the center with DIE, BITCH written in bold letters, I had cried out and nearly collapsed .

  Was Blake in my apartment last night? Did I really see someone standing outside my bathroom door? Daniella snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of little voices echoing in the hall.

  “Ring around the rosy…”

  “Pocket full of posies…”

  “Ashes, ashes…”

  “We all fall down!”

  Two girls carried a basket filled with black petals while three boys followed. They were flinging fresh and dried rose petals, twirling, jumping, and singing as they ran down the corridor.

  Daniella leaned against the wall, clenching her chest, telling her heart and mind to calm down. It took a few moments to gather her bearings and move past the odd, yet coincidental scene she'd opened her door to.

  11 - The Hike From Hell

  Butterflies fluttered in Daniella's stomach. It had nothing to do with boarding the plane, but everything to do with Cruz. A week with him would be wonderful, but they hadn't even spent that many days together. Sleeping in the same room, same bed, same everything might drag her heart in deeper waters. It would be detrimental to her self-worth, to her whole heart and soul if Cruz were to break up with her. The thought turned her stomach into a twisted mess.

  “What's wrong? You look… pale or maybe you're nervous?” Cruz slipped his arm around her waist and nudged her with his hip.

  “Yeah. Well, I'm not sure why I'm nervous. I just flew last week. I was fine.” Daniella sighed.

  “I think it's because you're with me. Admit it. You're super excited to spend the week with me.”

  “Ha. Or super bummed.” She glanced at him. His brows furrowed and his eyes turned to mere slits. “I won't get to see my other boyfriends,” she mused.

  “Oh, ho, ho!” Cruz released his hand from her hip as they entered the plane. “My seat is here in first class. Yours is… let's just say you'll be accommodated with a mirror, sink and a toilet.” He slid into his seat and pulled her down next to him.

  “So, Mr. Canton, what, exactly, will we be doing in Colorado?”

  “Well, Miss Kurtz, I think we'll have dinner with Meg and Falcon and decide where to go from there.” Cruz reached for her hand, squeezed it, then fiddled with her fingers.

  “What are you doing?” Daniella asked.

  He grinned. “Nothing… just admiring your pretty fingers, and perfect nails.”

  Daniella leaned against him and rested her head on his shoulder. “Okay, if you say so.”


  Cruz opened the door to reveal a living room with a large chandelier hanging from the cathedral ceiling to highlight a tan leather sectional with a multicolored marble table in the center and a stone fireplace with candles decorating the mantel. Windows made up the far end of the room to reveal the glorious scenery of green pine trees and mountains, some of the higher peaks capped with a dusting of snow. Cruz led her through the dining room and out the door to a large deck.

  “You've got to see the view from over here,” he said as he tugged her toward the edge of the deck.

  “This is beautiful, but—” Daniella halted, her knees shaky, muscles tense.

  Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little? It's not that high off the ground... is it?

  Glancing over his shoulder and tugging her forward, he asked, “What's wrong?”

  “Don't do that!” She yanked her hand from his.

  Stepping behind her, he wrapped her in a hug and kissed the top of her head. “Awe, baby, are you afraid of heights?”

  “Just a little. I'll be fine if we don't get any closer.”

  Cruz nibbled on her ear and whispered, “Maybe we'd better get ready. We have plans.”

  “Mm.” She smiled. “That tickles—stop… stop it!” She flipped around and pushed him back.

  “Don't think I'm done just yet. If we didn't have dinner reservations, I'd torture you right now.”

  “Are Meg and Falcon meeting us for dinner?” Daniella asked as they made their way back inside.

  “They're supposed to. I'm sure they knew when we were coming. They were the ones who made dinner reservations.”

  “Well, they sure do have a beautiful cabin, but I'd never want one in the mountains.” Daniella shivered. They dragged their luggage into a room with log style walls and a large window revealing the same outdoor scenery as the living room. She tossed her purse on the navy blue recliner pressed against the south wall.

  Going for casual, Daniella changed into a pair of Rock Revival skinny jeans with a glitter belt, a black and silver Sinful shirt, and her favorite pair of black monkey boots. Cruz stepped out of the bathroom wearing a Buckle black Henley, and a pair of Diesel jeans that showed off his tight, round butt. She wanted to grab those buns and squeeze them.


  Cruz and Daniella met up with Meg and Falcon and they all feasted at a fancy restaurant. Daniella enjoyed frilly beverages and wanted to have another… maybe two or even three.

  “How is everything?” The waitress asked.

  “Mm.” Cruz swallowed. “Perfect.”

  Daniella nodded as she swallowed the crab and polished off her martini.

  “Would you like another?”

  “Mm-hm. Yes, please.” Daniella
slid the empty glass toward the server.

  “No, no. No more martinis.” Cruz shook his head. “She's good. We don't want to make fools of ourselves, now do we, love?”

  Daniella threw up her arms in mock surrender. “But I...” She feigned to be inebriated. “I… I not drunk… but he's a… a zmart man.” She bobbed her head and bugged her eyes. “We're zober. Izokay. Good, good, good. Not derunk.”

  Meg and Falcon chuckled, but Cruz's embarrassment was evident by the rapid flush of his cheeks—the brush of his foot against her calf was another clue.

  “O-kay.” The waitress set the bill on the table. “You all have a wonderful evening,” she said and moved on to another table.

  “What was that all about?” Cruz rasped. His eyes narrowed, but a little twitch of his lips indicated he wasn't upset.

  “Psh. You cut me off. No more drinks ’cause we don’t want to make fools of ourselves. You spoke as if I were already drunk, and, well... I'm not drunk, Cruz. Not even close.” She tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrows, daring him to challenge her.

  “Ah. Let's get going. We're heading up to the gondolas.”

  “You really should have let me have another drink. But… since you didn't want me to make a fool of myself, you, my dear,” she waggled a finger in his face, “will reap the consequences.”

  He slid his arm around her waist and gave her a little tug. “Sweetheart, that's a chance I'm willing to take.”


  “I hope we don't have to ride with anyone else,” Daniella said through clenched teeth.

  “Nah. Just us four.” Cruz gave her a tight squeeze.

  Daniella's muscles tensed. She backed away in quick, jerky steps.

  Meg piped up. “Come on. It's not that bad. Not like this is Mount Everest, for crying out loud.”

  “Shut up, Meg,” Daniella huffed. Bitch.

  Cruz urged and encouraged her to move forward. “Look, honey. It's not that far from the ground and the coil is heavy-duty. If you think about it, how often do you hear of one of these things snapping?”

  “Okay, okay. Just keep talking, distract me,” she said in rugged breaths. Beads of sweat trailed across her forehead.

  Meg and Falcon took the first car, probably impatient and irritated by Daniella's phobia. After a little coaching, Cruz managed to sooth her enough to get her into the cable car. But once the ride was under way and they traveled higher up the mountainside, panic ensued.

  Each squeak and jerk of the car threw Daniella into frenzy. Her heart thrummed, and her breathing was laborious. Her only thoughts were of the cable busting and how far down they'd fall before crashing to their deaths. The fear, the rapid breathing and altitude caused her head to spin, and just when she was sure she'd pass out from the stress of it all, Cruz must have realized she was having a panic attack. He rescued her by wrapping her tightly in his arms.

  “This… this would have been easier drunk. I wish you would have let me drink a few more.” Daniella's voice trembled.

  His breath was warm against her ear when he said, “Focus on something else. You. Me. Anything. We're moving, but not far off the ground, just you and I in our own—” he paused, probably taking notice to her harsh and uneven breaths. “Daniella, inhale slowly.” Cruz inhaled slowly and so did she. “Now let it out in a steady breath.”

  Daniella clenched his shirt in the balls of her fists, but slowly released it with each breath they took. By the time she was fully calmed, they had reached the top of the mountain.

  “We have to get out. The routine is to reach the top of the mountain, then step out and view the scenery, before catching another car to go back down the mountain.” Cruz cupped her chin in the palm of his hand and tilted her head.

  “No. I-I… I don't want to get out. If we do, you might not get me back in here and it'll take an army to get me down from the mountain. Please? Can't we just stay in this car and go back down? Please?” Her voice cracked.

  I'm so freaking pathetic!

  “I'll see what I can do.” Cruz released Daniella as he stepped back. As soon as he let go, he reached out and pulled her back into his arms. He must have taken notice of the anxiety and scared stiff posture she wore, along with the tight grasp of her hands clenching the pole, baring the whites of her knuckles.

  Cruz grabbed the emergency phone from the box and after much explaining, he was able to talk the ride operator into letting them stay and continue down the mountain.

  “I'm sorry,” she murmured.

  “No. Don't be sorry. I should have asked instead of assuming you'd be okay with my plans. But… it does put a damper on tomorrow.” Cruz kissed her forehead.

  “What did you have scheduled? A sky dive or something?” Daniella chuckled nervously.

  “Ha. No, just a hike to a beautiful lake. They call it the 'Hanging Lake' because you have to hike up a mountain to get to it. Most say it's worth the hike because it is a beautiful scene.” Cruz scratched his jaw.

  “I'm okay with that.”

  “But how? You'd have to climb and we'd be higher up than we are now.” The lines in his forehead deepened.

  “My feet will be on the ground. I can handle climbing, but to be up high, with nothing but a long drop between us and the ground...” Daniella shivered.

  She was thankful when the ride ended and they headed back to the cabin.


  The adrenaline and fear Daniella experienced ruined the fun. She didn't feel so well once they got off the ride and returned to their hotel. Cruz peeled the bed linens down and covered Daniella after she emerged from the bathroom in a white lacey gown.

  “You don't look like you feel well. You're pale and warm,” he said after placing a hand against her forehead. “Let me get you a cold cloth.”

  Though she was dizzy and exhausted, she couldn't help but feel guilty for ruining Cruz's plans. Daniella tried to swipe the tears from her eyes before Cruz returned, but failed miserably. She threw her arm over her head in an attempt to hide.

  “Hey there. You've got to move your arm so I can place the cloth on your forehead.” Cruz tugged at her arm.

  Daniella crinkled her nose, squeezed her eyes tight, and let her arm fall with Cruz's tug.

  “Why are you making—” he paused. “Are you crying?”

  Oh, why does he have to ask? I can't even speak without breaking down further.

  “I'm sorry you don't feel well, but please don't cry. It makes me feel bad.” Cruz toyed with her hair and caressed her cheeks with tender strokes of his fingers.

  “It's… it's not you,” Daniella said through whimpers. “I'm the one ruining this trip and… and I feel so bad.” She sniffled.

  “Don't feel bad. You're not ruining anything. I'm just happy to be with you and for the time we have together.” Cruz turned off the overhead lamp and pulled the covers halfway up. “Come closer.” He slid his arm underneath her head. She scooted as close as she could and wrapped her arms around him. No hanky-panky tonight. Exhausted from the earlier anxiety, she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and went to sleep.


  Bright rays of sunshine danced through the elongated blinds, waking Daniella from a good night's rest. Cruz was already up and had breakfast brought to the room.

  Daniella put on a red sports bra and black shorts, wondering if she'd be warm enough. She stepped into the hall. “Hey, Meg?”


  “Is a sports bra and shorts weather appropriate?”

  “You should be fine. It supposed to be warm all day with some clouds in the forecast, but warm nonetheless. Oh, and wear hiking boots or tennis shoes,” Meg said.

  No? You don't say. Duh, Meg.

  The temperature was in the seventies and Daniella was thankful for the slight northward wind. The hike was treacherous, but they stopped a few times to drink water and dip their feet in the chilled, freshwater streams.

  “This was definitely worth it. I've never seen anything like this.” Daniella marv
eled at the beauty of the Hanging Lake. She leaned into Cruz and watched the waterfall spill over the top of the mountain, sending ripples of waves cascading along the outskirts of the lake.

  “Glad you're enjoying it.” Cruz slipped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. “But I still don't understand how you can hike up the rocky mountain and not panic.” He grinned and gave her a tight squeeze.

  “Tss. There is ground under my feet and I didn't bother to look down, not even once. The ride in the cable car left me with nowhere to go. Nothing, other than the floor, was beneath us. And I always think the worst thoughts.” She raised her hands in a hopeless gesture. “Like, what if the cable busted? Nothing would stop us from falling to our death.”

  “Hm. I suppose I can see your point,” Cruz said.


  They stayed at the Hanging Lake and ate lunch.

  “Hey, Daniella, why don't we make the trip back down the mountain together? Let the guys have some bonding time?” Meg teased.

  “Good idea.” Daniella nodded.

  “You ready to bond, Falcon?” Cruz winked and held his arm out.

  Falcon flapped his hands and skipped to Cruz's outstretched arm. He smacked it away. “Keep your bitch hand to yourself, dickhead!”

  “I was only being courteous, penis breath.” He smacked Falcon's hat off his head.

  Daniella inhaled the fresh earthly scent of pine, the tang of wet rocks and an occasional breeze of wildflower blossoms.

  “You must be a pro at this hiking business, Meg.”

  “Not a pro, but I do enjoy it. I love looking down the steep rocky walls and the danger it presents. I'd love to get rid of this banister.” She pushed and pulled on it. “And to—Aw crap!”

  “W-what?” Why did she have to do that! The banister doesn't feel secured… it could… pull out of the ground and…

  “Keep going, Daniella. My hip satchel's missing. I've got to go back up and see if I can find it, so don't wait on me. I'll catch up to you.”

  She quivered, her voice shaky. “O-k-kay.”