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Of Love and Deception Page 13

  He nodded.

  She turned back to the pile, plucked a few leaves from the top, and slid her hand into the heap.

  Her fingers grazed a small object.

  It's square… like a… No. No, it can't be… that!

  Slowly, she uncovered a silver box and stared at it.

  Okay, so it's a box, but that doesn't mean it's a promise or a get-down-on-one-knee-and-tell-me-you'll-marry-me kind of box! Get a grip, girl!

  What was this? She stared entranced. Could it be? Cruz slid to her side and she startled at his touch.

  “Pick it up and open it,” he said as he slipped his arm around her waist.

  Daniella chewed on her lower lip and finally picked up the box. She didn't open it, but stared at the closed lid. Cruz grasped her hands and assisted, pressing her fingers against the sides and popping it open.

  “Huh!” Daniella gasped. Not only was there a square diamond ring set in a silver band cascaded with smaller diamonds, but a note that read: I'm asking for your hand. To marry me. To be mine and mine alone.

  “Please tell me your smile is a yes?”

  “Is this—Oh. My. Gosh,” she whispered. Raising her head, searching his eyes, she observed his smile… a single arched brow… his slightly parted lips, and knew he awaited her answer.


  “Yes, you'll marry me?”

  Did he really just offer his heart and request ownership of mine all in one breath?

  “Oh my gosh! Marry you. YES, YES, YES. I so love you!”

  Daniella's stare never wavered when Cruz reached for the ring, pulled it out of the box, and slipped it on to her ring finger. She admired the beautiful diamonds, tearing up at what it signified. Mrs. Daniella Canton. Say it again. Mrs. Daniella Canton. No freaking way! Mrs. Cruz Canton. Oh, yes! I'm loving it already.

  “Perfect fit.” Cruz's sexy voice dragged her out of her internal glee. The warmth of his hand and pressure of his lips brushing a feathery kiss over her fingers made her tingle. Everywhere.

  Daniella released his hand, and knowing the park was empty, she climbed over him and sat with her legs on either side of his hips, embracing him in a gripping hug.

  Craving for the sweet taste of his kiss, she leaned back to gaze at him and shook her head. “I can't believe you want to marry me.”

  He held her tight against his chest and stared at her. She held his gaze, but before she could gather her thoughts, the sweet taste of his mouth was upon her own.

  Cruz cupped Daniella's cheeks in his hands and said, “Day and night I breathe you in. I'm miserable when we're apart. The incredible love I have for you—how can I not want to marry you?”

  “You're saying all the right things, Mr. Canton.” She leaned into him, kissed his neck, and whispered, “Promise you'll never break my heart?”

  “As long as we both shall live.” He peppered kisses along the nape of her neck.

  The sound of crunching leaves took them out of their splendor.

  “Mm. We better get going. Looks like we're no longer alone.” Cruz gave her a tight squeeze and released his grip.


  The evening sky cast varying hues of orange, pink and red. Slivers of clouds danced along the northward breeze. Treetops swayed to and fro, rustling the dried leaves as if shaking them free.

  Strolling hand in hand along the brick path, Cruz and Daniella stopped to look skyward after a sudden burst of the wind whipped through them.

  Darker clouds were moving in and hovering.

  “Looks like a storm is brewing.” Cruz scanned the blanket of storm clouds moving in.

  There's nothing like home… Isn't that what Dorothy said? Was she in Nebraska? Or was it Kansas? Shit. Who cares. A tornado is a tornado!

  Cruz grasped Daniella's hand tightly. “Let's go,” he shouted over the cracking of thunder and broke out into a sprint. They'd barely made it to the car when big droplets of rain came pelting down.

  “Back to the hotel?” Daniella asked.

  “Yes. Unless you want to do a naked rain dance for me?” He grinned and licked his lips. “To the hotel we go. Hope you're hungry. We'll eat at the dinner house in about an hour.”

  “By candlelight?”

  “You'll see.” Cruz reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. They went to their room and freshened up. Daniella dreamed of their wedding as she slipped on her favorite silk and lace panty set wondering what it would be like to be his wife. His wife!


  Daniella rubbed her stomach after the exquisite meal. This evening had been like a dream, but there was a niggling of doubt as well. Stop it! Cruz is nothing like Blake. He's not a cheater, he's loving and beautiful and, God! I love him. I love him, I love him, I love him!

  She walked with Cruz hand-in-hand through the lobby. In the elevator, standing side-by-side, she stared at his hands, imagining his fingers all over her body and the delicious desserts he might give her. And not of the sugary type.

  Daniella snapped out of her dreamy imagery when they stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall. She halted.

  “Where are we going? This isn't the same floor our room is on. It's not even the right direction… is it?”

  “I think you’re confused.” Cruz guffawed. “The lobster must have affected your brain. Or is it the ring?” He stopped in front of the door and slid his card into the card reader.

  Crap! Am I that confused? He just unlocked the door. But—

  Daniella stood and cupped her wide-open mouth. “Cruz! Did you… holy mother of… Wow!” She took a baby step forward and paused.

  “Okay. You were right,” Cruz announced. “This isn't our room… but it is now. Just a slight change in plans, sweetheart.” He grabbed her hand and dragged her into the room, kicking the door shut behind them. “Don't worry, all of our belongings were brought up here.”

  If ever there existed a man who had an ounce of romance in his blood, Daniella was certain Cruz Canton was that man. White and red rose petals floated on the surface of the jacuzzi.

  Flavors of vanilla and rose filled the air, and flickering candlelight surrounding the tub. The lights above the white-cloud-of-a-bed were dim.

  In the midst of absorbing her new atmosphere, Daniella's focus snapped to Cruz. He backed her against the wall, his body pressed against hers, large hands cupping her cheeks, lips demanding her attention, eyes hooded and hazy. She melted into him, her tongue greedily searching his mouth.

  He fumbled with the buttons on her shirt and continued to work them until the last one popped open. He didn't pull away, only continued his sweet assault with warm lips and grunts of need hissing into her ear. Circular strokes of his hands pressed and kneaded against her abdomen before he tugged at the button of her jeans. He unhitched the jeweled nickel and unzipped the zipper. Firmer hands greeted her hips and forced the denim down until her jeans hit the floor.

  Cruz leaned back, and his eyes traveled from her head down her neck, pausing briefly at her breasts, then moving along her abdomen and stopping at the middle of her hips.

  “Damn. That's sexy as hell,” Cruz said in a lustful breath, his fingers now trailing along the lining of her lacy red panties.

  Daniella slipped her hands under the hem of his t-shirt, gliding them along the taut muscles of his abdomen and chest. He didn’t hesitate to help by pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the ground. She inched her fingers down the front of his jeans and un-fasted the buttons. His taker was firm and depressed to the side, held captive by the elastic lining of his briefs. One slip of her hand and she captured the warm, engorged flesh. She stroked it further, stretching and holding it while he ground his hips. His eyes were closed but his lips parted with ragged gasps.

  “Stop.” Cruz grasped her hand and pulled away. He kicked his jeans and briefs off, reached for her hand, and led her to the jacuzzi. “No more of that until we finish our bath,” he said, stepping into the warm water.

  Daniella stood in front of the jacuzzi. Her
cheeks heated as Cruz watched her slip off her bra and panties. He held his hand out and helped her into the bubbling water filled with rose petals.

  He pulled her down in front of him and whisked her hair over her right shoulder. The tips of his fingers pressed between her shoulder blades, kneading and rubbing every inch of her back.

  “That feels heavenly. You should give me that kind of massage daily,” Daniella said and leaned into him, tilting her head back to greet his heartwarming smile. That wasn't all she leaned into. Cruz slid his hand along her neck and cupped her chin. He shifted a little and dipped his head down, pressing firm lips against her half-open mouth. Daniella tried desperately to hold back. It was a task too impossible to achieve the instant Cruz's hand slipped between her thighs. His fingers explored, gliding up and down, deeper and desperate. She willed them silently toward her center and gasped with welcome relief when he circled the one spot that sent a storm of coiled pleasure racing through her abdomen. Just as sensations assaulted her, he withdrew his hand. She almost choked. What happened?

  Cruz slowly stood, pulling her up with him. He toweled off quickly, grabbed another towel, and dried Daniella's back. Whisking her long hair off to the side, he leaned in and nibbled on her neck and shoulders. She quivered. He ran the towel over the front of her, pushing her forward toward the bed with his chest pressed against her back. He guided her onto her stomach, laid on top of her, while slipping his arms alongside hers and resting his weight onto his half-bent elbows. He slid his tongue between her shoulders, moving slowly down the center of her spine.

  Daniella squirmed a little.

  “Turn over,” he said, all husky and sexy.

  She rolled onto her back and stared at Cruz. Maybe it was the way he held her gaze as he crawled, smooth and slow, brushing kisses and tasting the flesh over her abdomen as he trailed his way up and trapped her body in a heated frenzy.

  His eyes swept over her in sweet seduction. “I want to make love to every cell within you, know every inch of you, and never let go.” He held her close, gazed intently and seriously while caressing her cheeks with delicate sweeps of his hands. Every nerve sang in delight with the sway of his hips, the intimacy of his palms cupped around her face, and the way he measured her expressions as his thrust sank deeper each time.

  Making love was different now that she was the lucky one to share a future with this lithe and powerful man. She examined his face. His eyes were closed, sweat dampened his forehead, and his lips parted with slight moans escaping him. Little stars danced in her visual path. She writhed and buckled below him as the sweet beauty of pleasure rippled through her.

  How lucky am I to be the one he chose to be his wife? He's absolutely amazing.

  Daniella watched him as his eyes clenched shut and his mouth fell open. His entire body shuddered over her, and he pressed his cheek against hers, his arms cradling her. His hips jerked a little and then his body stilled.

  When Cruz raised his head and opened his eyes, they were dark, but focused on Daniella. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, each cheek, and then her lips.

  “I love you,” they said together. He slipped out of her and settled beside her, gathering her in his arms. She laid her head on his chest and he rested his chin on top of her head, lacing their fingers together.

  13 - Bad Lori

  Daniella plopped on the couch and examined her nicely decorated finger. “Has it really been three months since he spoke those lovely words, asking me to marry him?” A warm sensation washed over her and she smiled, holding her hand against her heart. Closing her eyes, she relived the memories.

  I turn back to the pile, pluck a few leaves from the top, and slide my hand into the heap.

  My fingers graze a small object.

  It's square… like a… No. No, it can't be… that!

  Slowly, I uncover a silver box and stare at it. Okay, so it's a box, but that doesn't mean it's a promise or a get-down-on-one-knee-and-tell-me-you'll-marry-me kind of box! Get a grip, girl!

  I wonder what it is and stare. Could it be?

  “Pick it up and open it,” he says and slips his arm around my waist.

  I chew on my lower lip and finally pick up the box. I don't open it, but stare at the closed lid. He grasps my hands and assists, pressing my fingers against the sides and popping it open.

  “Huh!” I gasp at the square diamond ring set in a silver band cascaded with smaller diamonds. I read the note: I'm asking for your hand. To marry me. To be mine and mine alone.

  “Please tell me your smile is a yes?”

  “Is this—Oh. My. Gosh,” I whisper.

  He looks at me, waiting for my answer.

  I scream, “YES!”

  “Yes, you'll marry me?”

  Things get fuzzy and the scenery changes. I can't see Cruz any longer.

  “Where have you been? You promised you'd be here hours ago. It’s after midnight and you reek,” I scream.

  “Stop being a sourpuss. It's just a little pick-me-up. Don't worry your pretty little head off, sweetheart.” Blake wraps his arms around my waist and clings to me.

  “I swear I won't marry you if you don't stop!”

  “Damn. That only gives me three months, Daniella.”

  He cleans his act up.

  Blake's cocaine free, but I begin to wonder if I'm making a mistake. Does he really want to marry me? He spends less time at my apartment, and he's always working.

  “I'm busting ass to sell my home, and searching for a new one for us to occupy after we're married. It was supposed to be a surprise... the new house,” he says.

  I believe him.

  “We shouldn't spend all of our time together because it will be that much more exciting to be in each other's arms when we're married.”

  It makes sense.

  The images and voices change again.

  “Oh, baby! Don't stop. Harder!”

  Another… woman… in my bed?

  “You like that?”

  With my boyfriend.

  “Fuck me harder… oh… oh yeah… I'm… coming, Blake. I'm…”

  Unfucking believable! Blake is screwing another woman in my bed in my apartment!

  I stomp in and fling the door open.

  “Awe, babe, I can explain this,” he says as a blonde woman stands naked at the end of my bed.

  “Get. The. Fuck. Out,” I scream.

  Blakes eyes narrow and he comes charging at me.



  Daniella jumped, startled out of her dream by the blaring horn outside. She was bothered by the dream, but she didn't have time to analyze it. She rushed around, shutting off lights, retrieving her cell phone and purse, and then headed out the front door. She practically stumbled down the steps in high heels that were not meant for hurried steps, but Meg kept honking her damn horn, and she didn't want to piss off her neighbors.

  “I'm coming! You can stop honking now. Jeesh!” Daniella waggled a finger at Meg, who had a big grin on her face.

  “Well, well,” Meg said. “We've got shopping to do. Somebody has to rush you along.”

  “Oh, really?” Daniella chuckled.

  “Uh. Yeah. Like wedding gown shopping. I have a few great places in mind. Are you free all day?”


  “Great!” Meg clapped.

  There was a wedding to plan. Who better to help her plan then good old Meg Landers? “Psh. I invited my friends, the other two bridesmaids.” Daniella reminded Meg. She'd told her previously, but Meg hadn't seemed too thrilled. She knew Meg wanted to be the maid of honor, but Daniella wanted them all to be bridesmaids and decided she wouldn't have the traditional maid of honor—spare herself the headache.


  Danielle's feet hurt, but her buddies, Jill, Lori, and Meg, seemed to have ample energy and bounce while dragging her from bridal shop to bridal shop.

  “Jeez, Daniella. What do you want, a royal wedding dress?” Meg huffed. “Not li
ke you're fit to be a queen.”

  Why, oh why, did I allow Meg Landers to anoint herself my Bridal Committee Chairwoman?

  “Wow. That was uncalled for,” Lori said.

  Meg stopped and halted Daniella by grabbing her arm. She pointed a finger at Lori. “Excuse me, you little midget. Was I speaking to you? No, I think not.”

  Lori waggled a finger in Meg's face. “You should probably shut that flapping mouth of yours, woman of the Nile.”

  Jill laughed raucously.

  “And what the hell kind of moronic come-back is that?” Meg swatted Lori's hand.

  A devious grin spread across Lori's lips.

  Great. Just freakin' great.

  “You're a fucking Amazon, douchebag.” Jill fired back in Lori's defense.

  “Stop!” Daniella slid between them. “Just stop it.”

  “Fine. You go about this with your little gang bangers.” Meg scowled and tapped a finger against her lips. “You know, Daniella, you're jumping into this awful quick. Oh, and I suppose I should warn you—Lexus might be at the bar tonight. It's one of her hangouts. Just thought you should know. I'll meet up with you later.” Meg did a one-eighty, but flipped them the bird as she stomped off.

  “How can you stand that bitch?” Lori shook her head. “And who the hell is Lexus?”

  “Sorry. I know she can be an ass, but she's usually not like that.” Daniella's tone held no conviction. She shrugged and wiped her forehead. Not worth the bother. And Cruz is mine. I refuse to stress over some ex. Even if her name is Lexus. She might think she can steal my fiancé, I won't sweat it. Dang. That'll be a challenge. A giggle bubbled in her throat and they laughed.

  “An ass? No, Sista D, she's the shit inside a pustule festered on an asshole!” Lori lashed out and clawed at the air, as in catfight claws.

  “No worries, Lori. Lexus is an ex. I don't want to ruin a perfect day by talking about exes so let's forget about Meg's comment.” Daniella grinned. “You can bring out your claws tonight, if you really want to tear her up.”

  “Damn straight, I will!” Lori hooked her arm around Daniella's. “Okay! So what are you waiting for? Let's go shopping!”

  They dragged from store to store. When Jill mentioned another store, Daniella almost gave up. But maybe, just maybe, this third one would be the one where she’d find a dress similar to what she'd envisioned.